PSC Scholarship Result 2019 for All Districts in Bangladesh. Primary School Scholarship Result for the Examination year of 2019 by or PSC Scholarship Result 2019 Under Dhaka Education Board. PSC Scholarship Result and Ebtedayee Scholarship Result update news find here.
PSC Scholarship Result 2019 Year of Exam
PSC Scholarship Result 2018
For All Districts:
- জয়পুরহাট view
- বগুড়া view
- নওগাঁ view
- চাপাইনবাবগঞ্জ view
- রাজশাহী view
- নাটোর view
- সিরাজগঞ্জ view
- পাবনা view
- কুষ্টিয়া view
- মেহেরপুর view
- চুয়াডাঙ্গা view
- ঝিনাইদহ view
- মাগুরা view
- যশোর view
- নড়াইল view
- সাতক্ষীরা view
- খুলনা view
- বাগেরহাট view
- জামালপুর view
- শেরপুর view
- ময়মনসিংহ view
- নেত্রকোনা view
- কিশোরগঞ্জ view
- টাঙ্গাইল view
- গাজীপুর view
- নরসিংদী view
- মানিকগঞ্জ view
- ঢাকা view
- নারায়নগঞ্জ view
- মুন্সীগঞ্জ view
- রাজবাড়ী view
- ফরিদপুর view
- মাদারীপুর view
- শরীয়তপুর view
- গোপালগঞ্জ view
- ব্রাক্ষনবাড়িয়া view
- কুমিল্লা view
- চাঁদপুর view
- লক্ষীপুর view
- নোয়াখালী view
- ফেনী view
- চট্টগ্রাম view
- কক্সবাজার view
- খাগড়াছড়ি view
- রাঙ্গামাটি view
- বান্দরবন view
- বরিশাল view
- পিরোজপুর view
- ঝালকাঠি view
- বরগুনা view
- পটুয়াখালী view
- ভোলা view
- সুনামগঞ্জ view
- সিলেট view
- হবিগঞ্জ view
- মৌলভীবাজার view
- পঞ্চগড় view
- ঠাকুরগাঁও view
- দিনাজপুর view
- নীলফামারী view
- রংপুর view
- লালমনিরহাট view
- কুড়িগ্রাম view
- গাইবান্ধা view
There are total six subjects in the PSC exams. Each subject carries 100 marks in the public exams held by DPE. So, the total marks of PSC exam are 600 and the PSC result 2019 will be calculated based on this total. Those who got the highest marks or CGPA will be awarded the PSC scholarship. The management authority Director of Primary Education will decide it. The scholarship is given to the meritorious students or those are financially unstable. The motto of this program is to secure the future of the meritorious students who are underprivileged or seeking a way to build up their future. DPE has implemented this Scholarship program successfully and maintained every year by providing a scholarship to the students.
The categories of PSC Scholarship:
- Talent Pool Scholarship
- General Scholarship
How to check PSC Scholarship Result through Primary Education Board:
District wise PSC Scholarship Result:
There are 8 divisions and 64 districts in Bangladesh. This a much easier way to check the result if it is divided according to the districts. So, the District wise scholarship result will be published here through a PDF file. Those who want to check their result can come here & see their result by a single click on their individual district. You can easily download the result from the given table.
How to Check Primary Scholarship Result 2019through the Internet:
The result will be published by the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) from the Teletalk DPE portal or various sections. Later on, the result will release by the Ministry of Education but you can get the result from different pages on the internet. The procedures are given below-
- Go to Internet Browser
- Click on Search box and type the keyword “PSC Scholarship Result 2019”(you can also use the long form of PSC to get the result)
- While you are searching the result by keyword, you will be able to download the PDF File of PSC Scholarship Result 2019.
- Then, Open the file and find out your District name because the scholarship holder roll numbers will be available serially in the list under specific district name.
- If you want then you can save the PDF file on your device and after that find your roll number.